Kodee exemplifies a first born; she is a bit pushy, must be first and wants centre stage. Today was no exception. I threw 2 balls; one for Kodee and one for Becky. Miss Selfish here wanted to ensure she was the only one in the game. It's OK, Becky was preoccupied eating up my garden... wait... HEY BECKY!

A fitting quote for this RARE weekend the Toronto Blue Jays (baseball) won the season opener game.
Your picture captures Kodee's spirit.
Thanks for your visit and comment. The motorcycle is amusing but no one seemed to notice the red wagon. ;)
How in the world did she manage to hold both those balls in her mouth? Great photo!
Hehehe! Kodee has no idea how silly she looks...but Becky does! :))
I'm dying, that's great!!!!!!! Love the overachiever you have there. :)
this are great shots. So funny especially the 1th.:)
Just precious...being a first born myself, I completely understand. ;)
BTW, our cocker spaniel recently barked while he had a ball in his mouth - first time I'd seen him do that.
oh i love this !!!!
The very definition of "doesn't play well with others' ha!
too cute :)
Hey Miss Kodee! Gingee says hi! We're doing a little clicker training this week - brought back from her puppy days over two years ago. She must be first born too.
That is so funny, Roxy like to put two treats or toys in her mouth too. I tell her all the time now don't be a hoarder. She looks up at me like just stock piling for emergencies. LOL!
Wow, awesome blog!! (sorry we didn't notice you have more blogs until now... we're very slow.) We'll come back again....
Happy Thursday!
Momo, Pinot and mom
Adorable! My dogs want nothing to do with tennis balls... I have no idea why. Maybe they heard about pictures like this :P
Love your photos and I love, love, love your CKC!!! What a cutie!
I missed this silly pic! What a beautiful and talented dog!
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