"The first of April, some do say,
Is set apart for All Fools' Day.
But why the people call it so,
Nor I, nor they themselves do know.
But on this day are people sent
On purpose for pure merriment."
~ Poor Robin's Almanac, 1790
"The goal is to capture one thing repeatedly on the first of each month. It can be a landscape, a person, an animal, a project; whatever your focus is. It can even be a record of where you are each First of the Month.
Linky opens each month on the 1st, and remains open for a week"
View All My "First of the Month" Lighthouse Photographs
I'm very curious to know where you took this photo! :)) The sky was gorgeous but the lake looks a bit choppy.
My First of the Month:
Love this shot. You've picked a great perspective for your 1st of the month shots.
Wow wat a difference a month makes in your shots. Each are so differnt.
It looks like a great place for a stroll. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
That is a great shot !
I really should go down by the lake some time and take shots there.
Thanks for stopping by my blog : )
.. and I understand the pause for thought ? when it comes to roses .. there are great no brainer ones out there, but those are the ones (for the most part) that have no scent which is total contradiction to me of what a rose is ! haha .. I have a special one on order coming and I am still crazy about White Licorice, I missed out on that one by a seconds hesitation .. still kicking myself over that boo boo !
Yes : ) I have a specimen garden more than anything else .. I collect what I like or I am curious about, to try it out ?
Kingston is a 5b zone, so if you are in that range you can grow anything I am growing .. check back when there are real signs of life here ? LOL
Joy : )
Yowsers... That is an excellent shot!
It took me a minute but I finally found your lighthouse all the way down at the end . . . you were further away this month. I love the perspective of the shot and the clouds add a lot of interest. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
Acutally I stood in the same spot for all four (Jan-April). Jan and April were taken with a very wide angle lens so give the illusion of being father away.
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